Sunday, November 30, 2008

Won at Great Cost

In a discussion of Ephesians 4 this past week, Darryl Dash said the following profound statement about the importance of preaching and teaching the Word of God. The bold print on the last sentence is mine. No wonder the Apostle James (James 3:1) said that not many should be teachers!

Paul has been talking in Ephesians 4 about Jesus as a victorious king who has taken the place of victory, and has given gifts to his people from the plunder. What does the risen Christ give the church after plundering Satan? Christian leaders. Not just Christian leaders, but leaders who have one thing in common: they are teachers. They all have some role in unpacking what God has done through Christ, of teaching and communicating the good news.

If we are honest, I think a lot of us would say we had hoped for something else from the plunder. If Christ is going to go to all the trouble of defeating Satan, and if he wants to give gifts from that plunder to the church, couldn't he have chosen something else?

But that's what Jesus has chosen to give. Leaders who teach God's Words are gifts from Jesus to his people, won at great cost at the cross.

From Darryl Dash - Preaching out of season - Darryl's Blog

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