Monday, November 24, 2008

Three Kinds of Blogger

The Daily Scroll asked the question: What kind of blogger are you?
Jonathan Bowers wisely observes that there are three kinds of bloggers:

“Innovators. These are the really smart and creative folks who have ideas sprouting like dandelions and just pluck one up and give it a puff of digital wind each day.

Harvesters. These are the bloggers who drive their combine over the blogosphere every day (or hour) and pass on whatever crops they find to be tasty. Their primary task is pointing to other people’s posts.

Personalizers. These are the people who share their lives for anyone who is interested.”

(HT: Crimson Window)

I'll never be much of a Personalizer. Up until now I have blogged mostly as a Harvester. I hope that someday I can achieve at least a touch of Innovator status.

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