From The Blazing Center come this solemn reminder:
As critical as other issues may be, abortion snuffs out over 1 million innocent lives every year. Is there any other issue in which 1 million children a year are slaughtered?
I checked statistics from America’s wars and I was shocked at what I found.
The total number of deaths in all of America’s Wars from the American Revolution to the present (Including the War of 1812, the Indian Wars, the Mexican War, the Civil War, the Spanish-American War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War and the current one) is 657,894.
Astounding. The total number of battle deaths in ALL of America’s wars put together does not even equal the number of deaths in ONE YEAR in this nation through abortion.
Over 48 MILLION babies have been slaughtered in the United States since 1973. Is there any other issue that has killed 48 million Americans in the last 35 years?The population of New York City is a little over 8 million people. If every 8 years, a city the size of New York City were decimated, do you think the candidates would make that a priority? Since 1973, New York City would have been wiped out 6 times.
(Picture from The Sacred Sandwich)
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