Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Top 10 Best-Designed Christian Blogs

Here's a list of the Top 10 best-designed Christian blogs at "IsaiahC". You should note that the rankings are based on design only, not on a judgement of theology or content. I read most of them and will now have to check out the others.

1. Tim Chailles
2. Reformation21
3. Ligonier Ministries
4. Mark Driscoll
5. Pyromaniacs
6. Atheist Central - Ray Comfort
7. Reformed Evangelist
8. Sacred Sandwich
9. Symphony of Scripture


  1. Thanks for noticing the post, brother.

    Soli deo Gloria!

  2. Thanks for the link. I've added your blog to my RSS Reader.

  3. I feel compelled to inform you that you seem to have linked to the wrong Atheist Central.

    You probably intended to link to Ray Comfort's site. He calls his site "Atheist Central" (formerly "The Soapbox," and before that, "Comfort Food") for the sole purpose of annoying atheists. I own a blog which is also called Atheist Central, which actually IS from an atheist's point of view, as well as the domain name

    Don't get me wrong; I hardly object to the prospect of your readers having direct access from your website to one arguing for, in my estimation, the CORRECT position on the question of whether God exists -- but it's only fair that you be allowed to make an informed decision on the matter. If you wish to change the link, Ray's blog is, I believe, a address -- no doubt you can find it on Google.

    Regards, Dave Holloway

  4. Thank you Dave, for letting me know about the errant link. Christians appreciate an honest atheist!

    I fixed the link.

    We may be on different sides of an ultimate issue, but I wish you all the best.
