I'm posting the material below from John Frye's Blog "Jesus the Radical Pastor"
The Bible: Slip, Sliding Away… in it's entirety without any comment other than I feel very convicted. I think he is right. Ouch!
A good, upright Christian reached for the well-worn, well-read Bible. The Bible by itself shifted away from reach. Startled by this the Christian thought That’s odd. Reaching out again to take the Bible, it slid away again and leaped from the table to the floor. This alarmed the Christian. What is going on here?! The Christian moved to retrieve the Bible. The Bible this time flew up and slapped hard against the Christian’s face. The Christian, stunned almost to oblivion, sank to the floor where the Bible fell.
The Christian heard a voice speaking in deeply loving, yet fiercely firm words, Stop! You must stop now. Do not read me anymore. I must read you!
The Christian’s mind crashed inward creating a searing, agonizing pain. Stammering, the Christian spoke through fear and tears, But I was told all my life to read you. I have always wanted to do right. I am a very, very good person. The Bible lay still, the object of Christian’s gaze.
In an a lightning bolt of faith, Christian saw penetrating eyes. The Bible had eyes! Bowing with hot tears the Christian realized I am the object of the Bible. I thought I possessed it. Yet, I now know its desire is to possess me. Whispering in wonder, Christian repented with these words, God, I don’t own You or Your truth. I thought I had a Bible. It was mine. I was so proud that I was an enlightened one in this unclean world of darkness. I sit here now in the thick darkness of my own goodness. All along You wanted Your Word to have me, to read me. O God, I am sorry.
Feeling very strong arms of an invisible embrace, the Christian fell over and slept soundly.
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