I've pulled some excerpts/insights from the blog of Justin Buzzard, a pastor at Peninsula Bible Church in California. He was writing about Facebook specifically, but the comments can apply just as well to My Space, Twitter, Classmates, Plaxo or any other social network site (or for that matter to blogging!) From
Buzzard Blog: Thinking Biblically About Facebook. Note that these are excerpts, not full quotes. You should follow the link to read the whole thing.
9 Potentially Negative Uses/Dangers of Facebook
1. The trend of using status updates to complain...
2. Measuring your worth/identity by number of Facebook friends/Facebook interactions...
3. Greater concern over forming Facebook (virtual) friends rather than real friends...
4. Diminishment of face-to-face time with people/enjoying and working on real relationships...
5. Dual identities... Being someone online who you’d never be in person...
6. Hurting and excluding others (intentionally or unintentionally)...
7. Facebook and online life can make you more distracted, changes how you think/attention span...
8. Can tempt you away from your calling/work...
9. Thinking about yourself more than you already do...
6 Ways to Love God and Love Others Through Facebook (Leveraging)
1. Can get back in touch with old, far-away friends in an easy way, showing them how you’ve been changed by Jesus...
2. Can use Facebook as an extension of face-to-face relationships/can be used to enhance time with people...
3. Can use Facebook to think about yourself less and others more...
4. Can use Facebook to sharpen/discipline what you do with your time...
5. Can use Facebook to quickly announce/make great things happen: events, face-to-face time...
6. Can use Facebook to influence other people for Jesus. Create a new culture with your status updates: use to influence, love, encourage, teach, and challenge people towards greater love for God and other people...
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