Here's a tribute from Dr. Graham's grandson, Tullian Tchividjian, at Help Me Celebrate Daddy Bill
On Friday, my grandfather turns 90. Many newspapers, magazines, and TV news programs are featuring celebrations of his long life and fruitful ministry. I had the opportunity recently of being interviewed about what his remarkable life has meant to me personally. Obviously, it would take more than one interview for me to appropriately express my gratitude to God for the way my grandfather has loved me and impacted my life. But here are some things I said I’ve learned from him:
1) Humility: Daddy Bill has always been keenly aware that God is God, and he is not. He has always been conscious of his smallness and God’s bigness, his imperfection and God’s perfection.
2) A love for the Gospel: Daddy Bill has always had a deep sense of his own sin, which has led him to a deep love for his Savior. He has always exemplified the sweet reality that you can never know Christ as a Great Savior until you first know yourself to be a great sinner. God’s amazing grace still amazes him — and that amazes me!
3) Faithfulness: Although he has had the opportunity to do many things, he has never wavered concerning God’s call on his life to be an evangelist. He knows he’s not a scholar or a theologian; he’s never tried to be. He has always remained true to God’s calling.
4) Never show favoritism: I have been with Daddy Bill in numerous places with numerous people, and I have never, ever seen him show favoritism. He treats all people the same, whether they are rich or poor, weak or powerful, socially significant or socially insignificant.
5) Be real: Daddy Bill is normal! He gets mad; he gets sad; he’s fun to be around. His favorite restaurant is Morrison’s Cafeteria. His favorite movie is “Crocodile Dundee.” His favorite drink is orange juice, and he loves catfish. He’s just another man with all of the limitations and idiosyncrasies that the rest of us have — and I love him for it!
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