Wednesday, April 30, 2008

12 Ways to Improve Your Blog by Serving Your Readers

I'm late getting to this, but it's still worth commenting on. Last week the Between Two Worlds blog had a guest post by Abraham Piper on how to blog better by putting readers ahead of yourself. Read the whole thing at Between Two Worlds: 12 Ways to Improve Your Blog by Serving Your Readers: What I Didn’t Say at Band of Bloggers (by Abraham Piper). His twelve points, minus the excellent commentary, are:
1. Blog uniquely.
2. Don’t let the importance of truth minimize the importance of presentation.
3. Be familiar with the blog genre and write for it.
4. Use interesting and informative titles.
5. Write to process your thoughts, but don't post to process.
6. Set yourself some kind of limit as you write.
7. Think nugget-sized posts.
8. Syndicate your whole feed.
9. Keep in mind that the blogosphere is not a boys club.
10. Let the general flavor of your blog be positive, not contentious.
11. Be both confident and reasonably open-minded.
12. Recognize that it’s OK to take blogging seriously and to try to succeed.
Hey, I'm working on it. Any comments, including constructive criticism, will be appreciated.

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