Tuesday, April 1, 2008

No Foolng!

Welcome to my blog!

I hope there is no cosmic significance to the fact that I begin this blog adventure on April Fools Day! In at least one way, though, it is an appropriate date.

I remember the story of John Wimber, when still a secular musician far from Christianity, seeing and laughing at a street preacher with a sandwich board sign saying on its front "I am a fool for Christ." Then John saw the back of the sign: "Whose fool are you?" Much later he faced that question for himself and decided to also be willing to be a fool for Christ.

Okay, I feel a little foolish stepping out into the cyber world with my feeble writings, small accomplishments and limited contacts. But- If He can use this place to help anyone and/or improve me- then so be it. I will be a fool for Jesus too!

And that's no April Fool.

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