We have always had worship and the presence of God, but why is it so intense right now? The answer lies in what’s going on around us. Whenever the Lord prepares to bring about a massive change for a nation and or the world, he pours out his presence on his people so that they can be empowered with grace, wisdom and authority. God’s empowerment allows us to see God’s vision of what he wants to accomplish and how we are to help bring it into fruition.
We, as the church, have been enjoying and playing in God’s intimate presence for a while now. I believe he’s bringing us to a place where we are going to have to make a choice. Will we continue to play, or will we allow God to change and use us. This is the time for the church to shine when everything seems turned upside down and hopeless in the world. If we as God’s people can use God’s intimate presence as a stepping stone, we will radically change the world.
We must stop looking at ourselves and our own agendas. When we do we’ll see that the Lord has given us the tools. Himself. That’s all we need. If we come before God’s throne and worship him, he will touch us with himself. His grace will give us the ability to get rid of the garbage in our lives and his mercy will show us the next step we need to take to help produce his kingdom here on earth.
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