For anyone who doesn't know, Driscoll founded and pastors Mars Hill Church in Seattle, and heads the Acts 29 Church Planting Network. He is speaking this week in Great Britain (London) at a New Frontiers Network conference.
Mark Driscoll is well known as a leader in the Young Reformed movement. and known for his strong complementarian stand. He has often described himself as "Charismatic with a seat belt." I found his comments about Charismatics very insightful and interesting. Rick Ianniello summarized Driscoll's comments on Charismatics as follows:
Problems with CharismaticsThere is nothing in the above that I can disagree with. Mark Driscoll's style is not mine, but I have enjoyed and benefited from his books and recorded messages. I certainly can't argue with the results of his work. Growing a 6,000 member church in the most non-churched region of the USA is some accomplishment.
* Sometimes charismatics focus on the wrong person
* Sometimes charismatics focus on the wrong event
* Some who love the Spirit have been corrupted by the view that it is all about prosperity
* Sometimes charismatics focus on the wrong person as the definition of what it is to be Spirit-filled and Spirit-led
* Sometimes charismatics are insufficiently missional
Roles of the Holy Spirit
* The Spirit fills people
* Spirit-filled ministry includes miracles
* Spirit-filled ministry includes prayer
* Spirit-filled ministry includes prophecy
* One of the ministries of Jesus is to baptize us with the Holy Spirit and fire for mission
* The Spirit leads us sometimes into hardship, testing, and temptation
* Spirit-anointed ministry includes preaching
* Spirit-anointed ministry includes justice for the poor
* Spirit-filled ministry includes joy in God
* The Spirit is given to us by the Father
* The Spirit teaches us what to say
* Spirit-filled ministry results in repentance
* Spirit-filled ministry brings conversion
* Spirit-filled ministry brings devotion to one another and awe towards God
Update: Driscoll blogs about his London visit.
Finally got a chance to listen to the MP3 of this message. Driscoll was in his normal good form - I enjoyed it and thought he was pretty much right on.