Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Kingdom Based Spirituality

In the midst of an article about Frustrated “Certainty” Michael Spencer said some great things last week about Kingdom spirituality.
One of the primary differences between a spirituality of desperation and a spirituality of Kingdom living is that life in the Kingdom is a matter of experiencing the Holy Spirit in normal life, and there is not a constant need to create situations where God proves himself by interventions and messages or Christians constantly must assert their certainty about matters where certainty isn’t required or even possible.

Kingdom living doesn’t live in a desperate mindset, afraid that atheism, secularism or Islam will “win” while Christians lose. Kingdom living doesn’t try to create an alternative universe where every intellectual issue is dealt with by adopting a Christian alternative, i.e. Christian math, Christian biology, Christian experts, Christian everything. (And trust me, I’m not just talking about Protestants or Fundamentalists here.)......
I just want to make the point that the Holy Spirit shapes us like Jesus, that his Kingdom has his character and his character is one of Kingdom living that is expressed in the work of the Holy Spirit in normal life and normal callings. In Kingdom living, we don’t need to demand God prove himself or require others to buy into the various kind of props we’ve built and pills we’ve taken to keep our faith intact.

Listen: If you faith is falling apart in the world in which you live, the answer is Jesus and the Holy Spirit, not more Christian radio, more miracles and more people shouting at you and the rest of us. Find a community that leads you to live your life in the Kingdom and don’t fall into the ditches of this crisis or that crisis. Replace a spirituality of desperation with the peace, love and joy of the Holy Spirit in the here and now of your life.

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