Tuesday, February 3, 2009


We are encouraged by bracelets and books to ask WWJD - What would Jesus Do? - as a guide to our behavior. The concept goes back to the classic 19th century book by Charles Sheldon In His Steps, and of course all the way back to the New Testament.

Unfortunately, as we have all discovered, just asking the right question does not in itself give the power to do as Jesus would do.

What if we first asked ourselves WHJD- What has Jesus done? I mean by that a focus on the finished work of Christ on the cross- the Gospel of grace and free justification. We act based on what He did and is doing. Christian spirituality is response, not initiative. He initiates, we respond. He comes first.

If we are very conscious of what he has done for us and in us, asking WWJD would probably work a whole lot better.

Update: I wrote the above before I saw this post by Jared Wilson. Great minds think alike!


  1. we also out to ask about the life and ministry of Jesus and how his accomplishment on the cross pushes us toward deeds of servanthood and love of the poor. If we simply stay satisfied by our own salvation but don't live how Jesus did, then we may miss the point of the atonement in many ways...

  2. No argument from me. WHJD must come before but must also lead to WWJD.
