Tommy Brister at "Provocations and Pantings" has posted a good Bible Study from The Book of Acts on
Word and Spirit in the Early Church. His conclusion is:
When it comes to understanding what God did in the early church after Pentecost, the relationship of Word and Spirit lies at the heart of God’s mission being accomplished through His church. Therefore, church planting efforts today would do well to consider what role or to what degree the Word of God and the Spirit of God govern and guide their efforts. We live in a day where man can mimic and manufacture church by engineering, marketing, and selling the goods and services that people need, want, or desire. However, the evidence of a true work of God will be seen and confirmed by the witness of the Spirit and centrality of the Word of God. It is preeminently a spiritual and supernatural work, and only the tools and operations supplied by God can truly build His church.
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