Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What God has Done

Darryl Dash has posted a good summary of the Gospel at The Gospel is about what God has done

The Gospel is about what God has accomplished through the person and work of Jesus Christ. This is big news. It involves rescue from judgment for sin and a restored relationship with God, and his restoration of creation.

The Gospel is good news about what God has done, never about what we must do or have done. It's good news, not good advice.

The Gospel is:

* good news for the poor and victims of injustice because God (not us) has acted
* about individual salvation and the restoration of the cosmos
* about individual salvation and the kingdom (reign) of God

The Gospel is not:

* what we do to promote justice
* about loving God or loving our neighbors, because this is both Law and a right response to the Gospel (what we do), but it is not the Gospel (what God has done)

Our efforts to promote justice, obey God, and love others are necessary implications of the Gospel, but they are not the Gospel itself. It is wrong to ignore the implications; it is also wrong to confuse the them with the Gospel.

God is uniting all that's been torn apart in Christ (Ephesians 1:10). That is Gospel. We work to unite what's broken around us. That's not Gospel; that is our response to the Gospel.

The Gospel is all about what God has done, not what we are doing.
Couldn't have said it better. The Gospel is about Jesus, and what He has done for us. So now I (we) need to say this to to all those who need to hear it, because it really is good news!


  1. An excellent post.

    So often we make the gospel about us and not about Him.

  2. The God, exist and imaginary. The God is exist, when you devout and pray to Him, or when you feel His existing in your spiritual experiences. But, The God must be lost in your mind, when you busy working, have a good time, laugh, be in love, or when you feel that your prayer do not answered by Him. The God will come at any time, wherever, and then forgotten, that is dependent in situation, your physical and spiritual condition.

    It is quite possible that God does not exist and never exist. The existence of God is only an imagination of human being who need a super power figure. When human being pray to God, they thought that they in contact with God, but actually they in contact with themselves.

  3. adn@n-

    Glad you found my blog and read this post.

    The God Christians believe in and experience is not a figment of our imaginations. For one thing, He does things we could never imagine- like forgive us and accept us and offer His Son in our behalf.

    I pray that you come to know and experience Him through Jesus Christ, who loves you and offers His life in exchange for yours.

    He is real, He does speak, and is reaching out to you now.
