For as long as I can remember, I have had a habit of offering quick prayers whenever I see/hear an ambulance, fire truck, or police car rushing past with sirens blaring. Nothing substantial or long, just a quick request for God to be with the emergency workers, protect them, and for those in danger and their loved ones to be drawn to the Lord in their crisis time. When I'm browsing the newspaper and pass the obituaries, I usually say a quick prayer that the families of the deceased be comforted, that they turn to the Lord in their grief and that God will be glorified by people turning to him and finding salvation. Sometimes I wonder if these little prayers may be the most significant things I do every day.
Saw an article Thursday at Prison Fellowship's blog, "The Point," about praying over news stories. The news can be depressing, and many Christians despair for our nation as Biblical truth is rejected and morals continue to decline. Let's all make a concerted effort to turn watching the news, and observing the situations around us, into opportunities for prayer and intercession, rather than despair.
The article can be found at The Point
Newsworthy Prayers.
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