Eucatastrophe 101 Blog has a interesting review of a soon to be released book by Greg Beale entitled
We Become What We Worship: A Biblical Theology of Idolatry, with the theme that "worship is a life or death issue and that we are constantly being shaped into the image of what we worship. "
The heart of the biblical understanding of idolatry, argues Gregory Beale, is that we take on the characteristics of what we worship.
Employing Isaiah 6 as his interpretive lens, Beale demonstrates that this understanding of idolatry permeates the whole canon, from Genesis to Revelation. Beale concludes with an application of the biblical notion of idolatry to the challenges of contemporary life.
It has been said that the human heart is an idol factory, manufacturing new images to worship. Sounds like this book offers helpful advice to escape from that trap. May be a good book to add to my reading list (as if I didn't have enough!)
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