
- C.S. Lewis, in a letter to Mary Neylan, January 20, 1942
Hat Tip: C.S. Lewis on Overcoming Temptation « Kingdom People
This blog compiles some notes and observations from one average guy's journey of life, faith and thought, along with some harvests from my reading (both on-line and in print). Learning to follow Jesus is a journey; come join me on the never-ending adventure!
I support Lakeland. I believe God is in it. But that does not mean that everything that is proclaimed from the pulpit is rhema word. There have been a number of predictions that were flatly wrong. Those of us in prophetic ministry know that people miss it. Mature prophets will admit that there was some sort of error and try to seek how they got it wrong, or at least use it as a teaching point to show that no one person has cornered the market in hearing from God.......The whole article is well worth reading. Keep praying for true revival that glorifies Jesus to sweep the land - and "while on others you are calling, do not pass me by!"
In truth, there is a fair amount of goofiness happening in Lakeland. From decrees and mantles to predictions and prophesies that are really not more than words. I know some are scared to recognize this for fear it will give “them” ammo, but I always tell my disciples that in a time of turmoil stand and speak the truth and let the chips fall where they may. Jesus is alive......
The fact of the matter is that since the earliest recorded history, when God does something, it stirs up all kinds of dust and that usually clouds people’s vision. Wherever you stand on Lakeland, don’t miss what God is doing. He is probably uncovering more than what you see at first light.
That doesn't sound deep, I know. We think deep is systematic theology or detailed doctrinal study or digging into Hebrew and Greek etymology or whatever. And all that stuff is cool. But it's not deep. It's not going deep. It's for smart people and for people who want to be smart, sure. But the kingdom is for all kinds of people, not just intellectuals, and everybody gets to press on to maturity, and maturity is going further and further into and closer and closer toward Jesus.My pastor frequently jokes "when in doubt, the answer is Jesus." Joking aside, the statement is still true. Oh the depths of the wisdom of God found in the cross of Christ!
Richard Steel reports on a blind man receiving his sight, on the streets of Dudley, England, this morning. This includes a video interview with the man.Follow the link above to Peter's site, where you can find the links to his sources.
Thanks also to my commenter Rhea for the link to a report of many healings in Belfast, Northern Ireland, where there seems to be a similar outpouring to the Dudley one. The report includes a young man being raised from the dead. Where does this report come from? The BBC website!
Yes, the outpourings in Dudley and Belfast are both linked to Todd Bentley.
The Galilee of Jesus’ day was a multicultural place. To function in his world, Jesus was constantly confronted with the need to deal with other cultures, other languages, other customs and comfort zones. Into this world, the Pharisees, zealots and Essenes had put forward their own options for dealing with those who were different. Those options ranged from asserting a new encyclopedia of rules, declaring “clean and unclean” zones/persons, withdrawing into subculture ghettos of their own and declaring those who were different worthy of violent response.
As a result, some of the most controversial and incarnationally revealing things Jesus did were simply actions of eating with sinners, touching lepers, speaking to women, walking through communities and taking a public stand against the religious ghetto-think of his time......
If there is anything more important than this in the current situation, I don’t know what it would be. Look at the difference between Jesus and other religious leaders on just this one issue, and then wonder how Christians have come to be some of the most ghetto ensconced, subculture defending, behind-the-walls-of-the-sanctuary people on the planet.
My point is, don't try so hard to be post-modern... or to be cool. Just do what you do the way you do it... do what God told you to do... and nothing more... and nothing less. There is room in the culture for the way you were made...Glad to see you're back to blogging again, Brother!
Culture always has a front edge and a back edge and there are people at every point in between. And they all need Jesus. You do not have to force yourself into a poorly fitting mold to be relevant... just serve the people that are drawn to you and the culture of the church will take care of itself. GOD will present her...
Which book do you use for pre-marital counseling? Which for married couples with problems? What's the best all around book on marriage? Questions like these prompted us to devise the Marriage Book Comparison Chart, which includes both a rating comparison chart and a brief review for thirty books on marriage.
If one were to ask Luther how she ought judge her faith, he would flatly reply that she should do no such thing, instead looking to the one judged in her place. Rather than getting caught up in diagnostics of faith (note the clinical expertise with which we can say ‘you don’t have enough faith!’), Luther would have us simply re-direct our attention to the object of faith, Jesus. Jesus is the mirror in which, by faith, we see ourselves, those women and men dead and raised to new life by the power of the Spirit.He's right, of course (both Luther and Jenson). The power of faith is not in the size of the faith but the size of its object. A small faith in a big God does great things. And the God of the Bible is "large and in charge"! If you want to have greater faith, concentrate your attention and focus on the great Lord Jesus Christ rather than the size and strength of your faith.
1. We’re so messed up that we need a miracle to restore our broken fellowship with God.He also quotes John Piper's restatement of the five points "as we subjectively experience them":
2. God chooses us, not based on what He knew that we would do, but simply out of love.
3. Christ gave Himself for the church.
4. When the light of the gospel fully shines in our hearts, we find God’s love to be irresistible.
5. Those who truly belong to Christ are able to stand strong only by the grace of God.
1. We experience first our depravity and need of salvation.I've got no problem with the classic five points, but also like these alternative versions. What do you think?
2. Then we experience the irresistible grace of God leading us toward faith.
3. Then we trust the sufficiency of the atoning death of Christ for our sins.
4. Then we discover that behind the work of God to atone for our sins and bring us to faith was the unconditional election of God.
5. And finally we rest in his electing grace to give us the strength and will to persevere to the end in faith.
…..If Azusa Street started today:
1. The LA Fire Dept. would shut down the meetings. Too many folks stuffed in a dangerous wooden barn.
2. OSHA would come by and fine the church for lack of disability ramps, restrooms, and parking.
3. The neighbors would complain because of all the noise and traffic caused by the gatherings. Plus those all night services must stop.
4. The Mayor would order the church banished from the city: " After all, we already have enough churches and not one of them help with the city budget. Besides churches are all suppose to meet at schools or in industrial parks outside the city limits, accept for the old ones which were built by ‘real’ denominations 50 years ago. Also, WalMart was interested in that property and we are just going to have to condemn it anyway."
5. According to the ‘Biblical Answer Man’s’ chief cult headhunter: " The last ones we know of who spoke in tongues were Joseph Smith and Brigham Young of the Mormons in 1835".
6. Fundamentalist Bible teacher, Dr. Cliff proclaims on the radio that "Tongues and all those gifts ceased when the ‘perfect’ Bible came– I Cor.13 proves it!"
7. Google ‘Azusa Street revival’ and you would get 2 pages of critical articles from folks who haven’t been there with theological reasons and expose’s of why it can’t be from God. Then this is followed by 10 folks who claim they went to a service at Azusa Street "with an open mind, but…".
8. RelTV would probably refuse to televise the meetings because…" Pastor Seymour is a horrible speaker and the music is terrible!"
…..If Azusa Street started today!
We have to remind ourselves that whatever is happening at Lakeland, it is just at the beginning. I wonder how past revivals would have survived the onslaught and glare of 24 hour TV and Internet. What did Wales and Azusa Street look like after a month and a half into it?
So many of us have read about past revivals and expect God to do the same thing again. We forget that each sovereign move was new and strange for those who experienced them at the time...
Myself, I am looking for a revival that sweeps across all of North America and effects 1000’s of churches in hundreds of places. A revival that crosses all the man-made divisions and denominations. Then like a tidal wave engulfs the UK and washes up on the shores of France and Northwestern Europe. A revival coming soon near you. So many are looking for Jesus to come for his church, I’m looking for him to come to it.
Life is too short and the Kingdom Cause is too important for the sideways energy of negativity! In my opinion, too many blogs try to stir up controversy. And it's almost always someone who has a very small readership. A blog is not a license to go negative or take potshots.I have a very small readership (if any) but I certainly will not choose negativity as a way to get readers. Having a blog is not the same as being influential. Being influential comes from having something to say, and saying it well- whether in a blog, a sermon, a book or face to face. Mayber I'll get there someday, bu in the mean time the journey is enjoyable!
The question has become quite heated in recent days. Evangelicals are dividing into different camps, largely depending on what they emphasize as the vital part of the gospel message...Hey, the Book of Acts ends with Paul "proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ " (Acts 28:31). The messages of the Cross and the Kingdom belong together, and must be kept together. What God has joined together let not theological arguments put asunder!
On the other hand, there are pastors and scholars who are publicly resisting the idea that we need to increase our view of the gospel. A major evangelical leader at a recent conference asked the question: ”Is our gospel too big?” He listed what he sees as the dangers of confusing the gospel’s implications with the gospel itself.
It seems that two opposing camps are forming. The first camp believes we have truncated the gospel by only focusing on individual salvation at the expense of the cosmic dimension of Jesus’ lordship. Furthermore, by neglecting the biblical teaching about the coming Kingdom of God, some worry that we have embraced a gospel that is so heaven-centered as to render it ineffective to speak to earthly realities.
The second camp fears that historic evangelicalism is rapidly being replaced by a resurgent “social gospel.” Alarmed at the growing number of self-professing evangelicals who are rejecting or diminishing the penal substitutionary model of the atonement or downplaying the necessity of personal faith in the finished work of Christ, these pastors and scholars choose to reaffirm their commitment to personal salvation through Christ’s atoning death. They worry that cutting out penal substitution and neglecting the importance of individual salvation will leave us with a new form of liberalism whose gospel is powerless.
Amen, brother! See my earlier posts here, here and here.Too many speakers in both of the gospel camps have decided that the emphases of the other camp are unimportant. Instead, we need to hear the cautions from both sides. It is true that we cannot dismiss the substitutionary atonement and the importance of individual repentance without fatally wounding the gospel. Yet at the same time, we cannot dismiss the kingdom-centered nature of the gospel of Jesus and Paul and the public nature of the announcement that Jesus is Lord without reducing the gospel to a matter of private spirituality.
We should not be satisfied in either the kingdom camp or the atonement camp. Perhaps we can all be happy campers if we join with others in proclaiming a “both-and” gospel instead of an “either-or.”
As I’ve read about the first-century church, I’ve been struck by the blessedness of living in this generation—our generation. As I study the very early Christians I begin to see again just what a legacy we have as Christ followers. The faith as we know it today was not simply handed to us, but was painstakingly developed over hundreds and thousands of years. The Scriptures have been closely studied through all of those years and the general pattern has been incremental steps forward and often large steps backward. Sometimes God sees fit to allow the church to take a giant step forward, as in the days of the Reformation, but more often the church has slowly and deliberately developed doctrine that accords to Scripture. Today we have unprecedented access to the Scripture and to resources dealing with the Bible. For this we ought to be profoundly grateful.The seven reasons to study church history Tim presents are:
A kid with a clipboard and pencil came up to me on the street yesterday, and politely asked me, "Do you believe in a higher power?"With apologies to Garth Brooks, It is good to have a Friend in Low Places!
I answered yes and he thanked me and moved on, but what I really wish I'd said was, "Well, it depends on what you mean by higher."
But I don't suppose he had a category for that answer on his clipboard. I saw columns of checkmarks there, one I suppose for answers in the affirmative, another for answers in the negative, and perhaps another for the how-should-I-know types. But no column, I'm sure, for wiseguys who can't give a straight answer.
"Because," (and this is what I wish I'd said), "I believe in a lower power."
I imagine my young interlocutor tilting his head like an eager-to-understand beagle and saying, "You mean, like, the devil or something?"
"No, young man, I most decidedly do not mean the devil," say I, really grooving on the wise elder role (this is how I imagine it), "I mean that I believe in a higher power that made himself lower. Lowest, in fact, of all. The scum of the earth, you might say. And all by his own free choice, if you can imagine that."
I didn't say any of that. I just thought it afterward. And in my mind I see the young man say, "Why would he . . . ummm, or she . . . or whatever . . . do such a thing?"
That's when I put my arm around him and say, "Let me tell you a story . . . "
Someone has said that revivals are like child birth. They are messy, but you like the final result. Certainly, every revival has been marked by some elements that would be regarded as extreme. Dr. J. Edwin Orr, who studied and wrote more on the history of revivals than any one else in Christian history, told me once that revivals are like a cabin on the Maine coast that has been shuttered up for the winter. When the winds begin to blow, the first thing that begins to make noise is all the loose hinges and shutters. And, that may well be the case - so we must be cautious at the initial onset of a revival to let some "loose hinges and shutters" have their freedom - but, ultimately, if the revival is to have enduring fruitfulness, it must be pastored carefully with doctrinal soundness, moral and financial accountability, and care to give publicity to Christ rather than to the revival.
Someone's defined ungodliness as "finding fulfillment outside of God, which leads me to commit endless sins of the heart." Sin is not always the pursuit of bad things; it's inordinate affection for good things.This post and the one I linked to on Saturday about "Significance" has got me really thinking.
As I've been thinking about pastoral envy, I've come to realize how easy it is to find meaning and fulfillment in pastoring and the church. This means that ministry can become an idol. When it's going well, then I feel good about myself. When it's not going well, my identity is crushed. Pastoral ministry can become an idol and take the place of God.
Spurgeon used to say that we shouldn't save souls to save our own soul. That doesn't make sense until you realize that it's possible to engage in ministry not for the glory of God and the good of others, but to fill some hole in our heart. I've heard Tim Keller talk about reading Romans 1:17, "The righteous shall live by faith," realizing that he had been seeking his own justification not through faith in Christ's work, but through his preaching. He was being his own functional Savior. We often make the same mistake, finding our self-worth in our ministries rather than Christ.
The only way to prevent ministry from becoming an idol is to find our identity in Jesus rather than in the church.
What a tragedy—to know God’s freeing truth in Christ in your scholarship so well, but to fail to apply that freedom to you own heart!Leeman goes on to challenge all Seminary professors, that one of them needs to write a book for theological students on the dangers of seeking academic approval over Christian spirituality.
In your booklet, tell them that, as scholars and pastors, we should seek eternal credentials and accolades, not temporal ones. Tell them that the mystique of the academy is a trap and a lie.Amen. I'd read it. God help me to live it.
Remind them that Elijah never sent Elisha off to the Assyrian academies, and Paul presumably never considered funding Timothy through the schools of Athens, in order to fit such men for the ministry. The thought is unimaginable. No, remind them that the scholarship they will do should only seek to clarify further a message that’s considered foolish and a stumbling block. If they intend to follow their Savior, their path is persecution, not praise. So challenge them to join you in suffering for the gospel, like Paul explicitly challenged Timothy.
Suggest to them that if, by God’s strange providence, one of them finds himself training in an institution which happens to garner worldly respectability, like Daniel and the three Hebrew boys in the palaces and academies of Babylon, that they would do well to abstain from eating at the king’s table and cozying up to the king’s banter. It’s a danger zone; it’s enemy territory; so keep praying in the direction of the Holy City.
Encourage them to ground themselves in the ministry of the local church. There’s nothing like the challenges of living and ministering together with fellow sinners in “real life” to bring the Bible’s claims into life-or-death reality. Also, you might encourage them to place themselves beneath a pastor or professor who demonstrates an indifference to the praise of people, the kind of man of whom the world is not worthy. How often does it seem like the young man who wanders off, enticed by the guild’s adulterous call to lie down in her Ivy perfumed sheets, is the pitiable one who has never been loved and nurtured by an older, wiser shepherd.
Brothers, will one of you write this booklet? Consider the possibility that it might be used to save a sheep from wandering off into a ravine and, what’s more, bring a whole flock with him. I’m tired of hearing those stories. Every one grieves my heart. Indeed, I know the temptations to hear the praise of men myself. That’s why we need one of you to write such a booklet, one that will remind us all with the words of Luther, “There are two days on my calendar, today and that day."
Would you rather be useful or significant? God created all things to be useful. Only God has significance. We learned this in philosophy class at the seminary.Lord, I want to be useful. I am willing to be insignificant. Thy will be done.
A chair does not have significance. It signifies that it is useful for something. No created thing has significance. Only God does. When man wants to be significant instead of useful, he makes him self a god. “God knows that when you eat of the tree you will be like God.” Marlon Brando said, “I could’a been somebody. I could’a been a contendah.” He wanted to be significant… like God.
There are many aspects of life and many aspects to the body of Christ. Some are ears, some are hands, some are feet, etc. The ear cannot say to the foot, “You should be like me.” That is absolutizing one aspect of the body. When man wants to be significant instead of useful, he tends to absolutize his particular aspect of life.
Still more people are chiming in on Lakeland & the goings on there. Again, I don’t agree with all that’s written below - in fact, some I disagree with, but they are helpful perspectives to get a bigger picture of what’s happening...Adrian Warnock has a story from a friend of his about a "remarkable healing" that occurred as a result of watching the Lakeland Renewal on TV.
...I came up with a list of what I called "kingdom rhythms," things that should characterize our life of discipleship to Jesus, and looking at the kingdom of God as a countercultural way to live, these kingdom rhythms actively subvert the world's rhythms that too often hold sway over us. We begin by acknowledging that our day does not belong to us; it belongs to God. And that truth alone should transform the rhythms we move to.Lord, help me to get some rhythm!
Here are the 5 rhythms of the kingdom:
1. Intentional Prayer...
2. Devotional Scripture Reading...
3. Joyful Fasting...
4. Generosity and Service...
5. Christian Community...
None of the above rhythms can be sustained independently. The gospel supposed reconciliation between creatures. We need each other, and the Church is God's design for discipleship. The Christian life must be walked within the encouragement, edification, and accountability of Christian community. We need teachers to teach us how to do it, encouragers to inspire and sustain us, givers to remind us to give, helpers to help us embrace servitude, etc. To "put on Christ" necessitates embracing the Body of Christ as God's plan for the Christian life. Embracing kingdom rhythms becomes easier and more sustainable when it is done collectively.
1. Jesus is the Chief Shepherd.
2. Leaders are entrusted to shepherd the flock.
3. Leaders lead by example, willing and eager.
4. Don’t expect a lot of accolades in this life.
5. Model godly submission.
6. The humble will rise; the proud will fall.
7. The enemy is seeking leaders to devour.
8. Expect some suffering and difficulty.
9. God restores, confirms, strengthens, and establishes you in Jesus.
10. All glory and dominion belong to God.
The hallmark of the meetings and the renewal in general is not healing (although they certainly occur) but the presence of God. Attendees are hungry and thirsty for God, and the Lord is responding to that fervor with His presence.
During the meeting Bruce and Jeff prayed for a man seated near them who had a sore and partially imoveable shoulder. After prayer, the man began freely moving his shoulder and reported no pain.
The leaders of the renewal are training people to go out on the streets to evangelize and to pray for sick and hurting people. This is different from both Toronto and Brownsville- and a welcome change.
The leaders are actively trying to verify testimonies of healings. The first night they were there a phoned in testimony of someone being raised from the dead was publicly reported from the platform. The next night this report was publicly retracted after fact-checkers reported that it was not true. In fact, they discovered that someone who was opposed to the revival had called in a fake report in and effort to discredit the revival as phony. This action by the leaders demonstrates integrity that is (sorrowfully) frequently lacking in leaders of large movements like this.
The leaders of the meetings know that there are and will be tares among the wheat, that some people seeking attention will fake things, and that everything that happens cannot be attributed to the Holy Spirit. They are making efforts to discern and guide the meetings with integrity.
Bruce does not agree with some of the stylistic actions and/or ministry model of Todd Bentley, but nevertheless believes God is at work in these meetings due to the hunger of those attending.
See my previous post here.
G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy, Chapter 4
Early on Keller explained that the gospel-bringer is not like an adviser coming to tell us a set of how-to’s, telling us to fight for our souls. Rather they are a messenger telling us what God has already done. The result of both models might look similar. In both cases you would want to do something in response. But, if the gospel is merely a how-to, you will obey out of fear. If the gospel is a declaration of what has already happened, you obey out of joy. Because it is a message (not a method!) words are critical.........Thanks, Adrian! And Thanks to Tim Keller.
Keller also argued strongly that every sermon must be about Jesus. Christ needs to be taught every Sunday. The difference between a lecture and a sermon is that in a sermon Jesus shows up. If a sermon is just about what I should do or believe, people will just feel more guilty. Instead, if you say this is what you must do, but, by the way, you probably can't do it, but there is one who did it on our behalf—if you understand what he did for us—then you will begin to be able to do it, too.
Jesus is our true wealth, giving status, security, and stability. The Bible is basically about Jesus and what he has done, and not me and what I have to do. Tim spoke about how each of the main OT characters are examples of Jesus. For example, Jesus is the true Esther who didn’t just say, “If I perish, I perish” but “When I perish, I perish.”
Even becoming a Christian is not something we do. We are instead converted, something happens to us. We are born again from outside. We must have God reveal to us the state of our hearts.....
Tim also spoke about the need for us to avoid the twin dangers of (1) isolating ourselves from the world around us through cultural withdrawal, and its opposite (2) cultural assimilation and accommodation. We need to be countercultural, but engaged and caring. Tim explained that in New York people love what the gospel has to say about forgiveness and hate what it has to say about sex, while in some other countries they love what it says about sex and hate the concept of forgiveness.
He also explained in closing that the gospel is not simple. It is not boring. It is infinitely deep and complex and stimulating and thrilling. As Peter says, even angels long to look into it. We therefore need our preaching to reflect the richness of this wonderful truth that saved us.
“I would much rather say that every time you make a choice you are turning to central part of you, the part of you that chooses, into something a little different from what it was before. And taking your life as a whole, with all your innumerable choices, all your life long, you are slowly turning the central thing either into a heavenly creature or into a hellish creature: either into a creature that is in harmony with God, and with other creatures, and with itself, or else into one that is in a state of war and hatred with God, and with its fellow creatures, and with itself.“To be the one kind of creature is heaven, that is, it is joy and peace and knowledge and power. To be the other means madness, horror, idiocy, rage, impotence, and eternal loneliness. Each of us at each moment is progressing to one state or the other.”
I'm learning that as a leader, it's not just about helping others "get there" - it's also about being a part of their JOURNEY of getting there. And by acknowledging the slight positive shifts, people feel more empowered to keep making those slight shifts - until eventually.......they're there! ~ Scott HodgeHat Tip: Rick Ianniello
So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this (a new heaven and a new earth), make every effort (work hard) to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him.Eric then comments:
Before we go any further, let’s remember that Peter is writing to Christians. He is talking to people who have already accepted Christ as their Savior and been baptized.
In light of God’s new heaven and new earth, Peter exhorts his readers to aggressively pursue growing in holiness and righteousness. He is exhorting them to work hard at making sure they don’t have any sin in their lives. Peter tells them to do everything they have to in order to be found spotless, blameless, and at peace with God. Spotless means without any spots. Peter didn’t say mostly spotless or almost blameless. He is saying go all the way, and aggressively participate and cooperate with God’s desire and plan to purify you – now, not just when you die.
I find it interesting that if a pastor today makes this same cry that Peter did for Christians to work hard at holy living; they are chastised for promoting legalism and works-based Christianity. Peter’s message isn’t necessarily politically correct today. Nonetheless, it is truth, and we shouldn't be afraid to repeat it.
This message is exciting to me because God’s grace is enough to remove every spot. Remember what Peter said earlier in this letter, “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness.” Yes, we need to keep on scrubbing, but we have been given the ultimate spot remover.
Anyway, there's good news on the culture front for us tie-haters - the Men's Dress Furnishings Association is calling it quits because men aren't wearing ties anymore. As far as I am concerned the whole thing of wearing a tie to church was a cultural accommodation anyway, so it's no big deal.David quotes from The Guardian:
And just for fun, here's some thoughts on why men started wearing ties in the first place. You would think that the more prudish among us would think twice about wearing ties due to the possible origins of the tie as a phallic symbol. From that article, here's a couple of my personal favorite comments on the origin of ties.
I thought that part of the reason was so that men had a handkerchief near by for when they needed to blow their noses.You know, it took me a while to get used and comfortable not wearing a tie to church. Maybe that shows what a "stuffed shirt" I really am! Up until three years ago I wore suits and ties to work everyday. Such dress felt normal to me. However, almost no one does at our church, and many of the folks in our congregation tend to associate ties with lawyers, bureaucrats and others who have caused them problems in the past. So I've learned to go tieless, and to like it. Even an old dog can learn a new trick.
The tie was an invention of the Victorians. Supposedly it was to protect your shirt from the detritus of everyday. However, historically only two groups of people have anything around their necks, slaves and the hanged. If you had said to a Roman 'here put this around your throat' he would have been highly insulted.
The story is told of a monk lived in a wilderness cave. He was known far and wide for holiness, so much so that his reputation reached even to hell itself. So the devil took three of his most effective demons with him to tempt the monk out of his godliness. They found the monk sitting at the mouth of his cave, a serene look of contentment on his face. The first demon planted in his mind the temptation of great power, with visions of glorious kingdoms. But the monk's face remained serene. The second tempter planted in the monk's mind the temptation of great wealth, with visions of gold and silver and prosperity. But still the monk's face remained serene and contented. The third demon planted in his mind the temptation of sensuous pleasure, with visions of beautiful women. But the monk's face remained quiet and godly.May God give me the spirit of contentment, to rejoice when others, whether friend or enemy, are blessed.
Annoyed, the devil barked, "Step aside, and I will show you what has never failed." He strolled up beside the monk, leaned over, and whispered into his ear, "Have you heard the news? Your classmate Makarios has just been promoted to bishop of Alexandria." The face of the monk scowled.
Corporate worship should be:
God-focused – Worship is to be focused on the Triune God of the Bible. Believers should boldly and humbly approach the throne of God with confidence through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We were created by God for God. We exist to glorify God by enjoying God.
Christ-exalting – Worship is to be specifically focused on exalting the person and work of Jesus Christ. All good things come to us by virtue of the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ. Thus, we are to celebrate our Savior each time we gather to worship.
Spirit-empowered – Worship is to be empowered by the Holy Spirit. In worship, we are to yield ourselves to the power of the Spirit and allow Him to say and do whatever He pleases
Bible-saturated – Worship is to be informed by God’s Word. The Bible contains God’s instructions for how we are to worship Him. Thus, we are to saturate our worship gatherings with His Word. The songs, prayers, readings, preaching, and ordinances should be permeated with Scriptural truth. When we gather to sing praise to God, the content of the songs is more important than the particular style in which they are sung.
Joyfully-reverent – Worship is to be both joyful and reverent. The Bible says that God is pleased when we find our greatest joy in Him and when we have a proper reverence in His presence. God is holy and should be praised in the way He has ordained in His Word.
Participatory/Congregational – Worship is to be congregational in nature. When the church gathers, we must guard against a spectator mindset. Each believer should fully participate in every aspect of the worship service. We do not gather to all individually meet with God. We gather to corporately worship our great God with one heart and one voice.
The heart of the biblical understanding of idolatry, argues Gregory Beale, is that we take on the characteristics of what we worship.It has been said that the human heart is an idol factory, manufacturing new images to worship. Sounds like this book offers helpful advice to escape from that trap. May be a good book to add to my reading list (as if I didn't have enough!)
Employing Isaiah 6 as his interpretive lens, Beale demonstrates that this understanding of idolatry permeates the whole canon, from Genesis to Revelation. Beale concludes with an application of the biblical notion of idolatry to the challenges of contemporary life.
I know this is the case at Vineyard CC Laguna Niguel, CA. More and more folks are being healed. Heard a few visitors say last Sunday: " We couldn’t fly to Lakeland but we heard that something was going on here also".At the beginning of the month we sponsored a prophetic conference by John Paul Jackson, it was supposed to be about prophecy and interpreting dreams and visions but God had different plans. Soon a bunch of people started getting healed of all sorts of things that they have been prayed for in the past with little or no results and the whole conference became as much about healing as anything else.
Our pastor, Mike Hudgins at the beginning of the year told the congregation that he believed that the Lord told him in November that 2008 would see healing released in a new and special way–and that was way before Lakeland.
I also recently corresponded with JC Smith and he also is seeing an increase in healing in his ministry where ever he goes. It will be interesting to see where this goes and how it spreads.
2 months ago, our pastor was coming back from a conference in India that he conducted with a team from our ministry school, he oversees 300-400 churches in Southeast Asia including 70+ in India. 50,000 attended the services and nearly 20,000 came to Christ, all sorts of diseases were healed, and the blind began to see. Everyone the team laid their hands on were healed. On the plane back to California, the Lord told Pastor Mike that soon he was going to release healing like that in America. A couple of weeks later it all started in Lakeland, praise God!
Since then in Laguna Niguel, we have seen an increase in healing and folks are coming to Christ at every service. The church is growing and the Holy Spirit is hovering over the services. Also, the 24 hour prayer room is busy all the time. I can’t use the ‘R’ word yet, but it is close and it is marvelous!
I believe Jesus announces the Kingdom of God as an invitation to repent of self-righteousness and receive the acceptance of God as a free gift. This declaration and gift then results in participation in a new community where other persons are treated with the same acceptance and are offered the same free gift.
Justification is not primarily an experience, but a person does come to critical points through process.
We hear the message of the Kingdom or experience the acceptance of the Kingdom.
We renounce our own righteousness (repentance from sins, in other words) and trust in God alone for “rightness.”
We enter the community formed around Jesus and the Gospel.
We participate in this community by extending it, offering it, practicing it and nurturing it.
Last night we unexpectedly had about half our usual numbers at PRAXIS, Element's "third place" small group, and I was a little disappointed about that until a young lady who's recently started visiting said this:
"I became a Christian eight months ago. If I go back to my country, they'll hang me." (Pause) "But it's okay."
But it's okay.
Kinda puts things in perspective, doesn't it?
And then our group had the awesome privilege of helping her figure out how to navigate her new Bible.
And thus the Democratic party is about to nominate a far left candidate in the tradition of George McGovern, albeit without McGovern’s military and political record. The Democratic party is about to nominate a far-left candidate in the tradition of Michael Dukakis, albeit without Dukakis’s executive experience as governor. The Democratic party is about to nominate a far left candidate in the tradition of John Kerry, albeit without Kerry’s record of years of service in the Senate. The Democratic party is about to nominate an unvetted candidate in the tradition of Jimmy Carter, albeit without Jimmy Carter’s religious integrity as he spoke about it in 1976. Questions about all these attributes (from foreign policy expertise to executive experience to senatorial experience to judgment about foreign leaders to the instructors he has had in his cultural values) surround Barack Obama. And the Democratic party has chosen him.That has got to be the most concise, cogent and complete description of Senator Obama written to date in this campaign year.
Something written elsewhere today reminded me of something Simon Peter once said. You know Simon Peter: he's been the subject of a million chortling observations among Christians for ages. You've heard it, and probably said it. "Good ol', dumb ol', impulsive, talks-before-he-thinks Simon Peter".Also, Peter may have sunk when he took his eyes off from Jesus - but he did take a few steps walking on water, and no one else got out of the boat! The sum total of people in the history of man who have walked on water: Jesus and Peter. Pretty good company!
I don't make fun of Simon Peter anymore. Just a few reasons below:
After this many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him. So Jesus said to the Twelve, “Do you want to go away as well?” Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.”
- John 6:66-69
He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
- Matthew 16:15-16
Just those two pretty much do it for me. Peter had some faults, but sometimes he just nailed it. It's times like that when I realize I'm not worthy to untie his shoes.
Before your next post ask yourself . . .From : Tony Kummer at Said at Southern Seminary
1. Do you bath your blogging in prayer? None of us would presume to preach or teach without asking the Lord’s blessing. The same should be true of our blogging. Do you pray that God will use what you’ve written to show his glory and be helpful in people’s lives?
2. Is your blogging a clear expression of love for neighbors? For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Galatians 5:14 ESV) Is this true when your blogging? Are you consciously loving your readers when your write? Do write about others in a way that demonstrates love?
3. Do you intentionally write words that will encourage and build up other believers? Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29 ESV) Most blogs don’t strike me as encouraging, neither do most of my posts. But this is never optional. Do you aim to build others up when you blog?
4. Do you follow after sensational topics to build readership? But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels about the law, for they are unprofitable and worthless. (Titus 3:9 ESV) I’ve fallen into this trap. If you watch your stats then you know that people like junk. Does this drive your blog?
5. Does you blogging keep you from serving others? For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. (Galatians 5:13 ESV) God designed your liberty in Christ for the service of others. How does your blogging track with that? Could you be helping more around the house? Does your two hours at the keyboard keep you from serving others or sharing Christ?
"If we don't start paying attention to the realities … by the year 2030, we will be proud to have 20,000 rather than 44,000 Southern Baptist churches." That's a quote from outgoing Southern Baptist Convention President Frank Page recently. According to a report in the Tennessean.com, Page believes the 16.2 million-member convention faces the same challenges that bedeviled other Protestant denominations — lower birthrates, aging demographics and a culture increasingly hostile to Christianity.Michael Spencer comments at internetmonk.com
For those of us who work for SBC funded entities, this is a bit ‘o sobering news and if a person has both feet on the ground and his/her head in the real world, they would immediately take the news seriously.
And thousands of SBC churches do take that sort of things seriously. They are starting new churches that don’t resemble a refuge for southern white people who think churches ought to be museums of their tribe. They are daring to do things differently, or not at all, or like the other guy who is reaching his community.
Good for them. But for the ten thousand or so churches that are going to expire in the next twenty years, it’s a sad matter, and I hate to see it. I’ve preached and ministered in many of those churches. They have good people in them who love Jesus. They just have no idea at all what it means to be a missional church, so the clock is ticking, and no revival, change of pastor or new carpet is going to make a difference.