Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Intentional Disciple Making

I'm already really liking Michael Spencer's new website:
What was actually happening was an intentional, three year process- a word you’ll be hearing a lot- of becoming disciples. Much of what the disciples needed to know wasn’t available to them until after Jesus’ death, resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit, but the disciple shaping process went on throughout Jesus’ ministry as recorded in the Gospels.

In looking at Jesus’ intentional actions of “disciple-making,” we need to be clear that the central revelation about the Kingdom of God, Jesus’ mission and purpose were only available in the light of the cross/resurrection. But Jesus’ time with his disciples was not a waste. Everything he did was intentionally designed so that when they were given complete understanding/sight (Mark 8: 22-26) they would know how to begin to live and operate as Jesus-shaped followers.

The cross, resurrection and arrival of the Holy Spirit are the critical center of the discipleship process, but the intentional ministry of Jesus to and with his disciples provides much of the raw material we need to examine to answer questions about what does it mean to be a disciple.

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