Monday, May 12, 2008

Bible Filtration Systems (Part 2)

(Part 1 Here)

So many Christians claim "I don't need any theology, doctrines or creeds. I just read the Bible." Some denominations claim "We are people of the Book, and all our beliefs come solely and directly from the Bible." Neither claim is ever simply true,

We all have filtration systems through which we read the Bible. When reading Scripture, the words go through many mental filters, among which are: (1) our personal religious experiences (or lack thereof); (2) the beliefs of the church/denomination we grew up in; (3) the beliefs of the church/denomination we are currently a part of; (4) the wider culture (including unrecognized assumptions and presuppositions) into which we were born and live in; (5) the current zeitgeist (spirit of the age); and (6) justifications raised up by sinful hearts to preserve our independence from God and personal favorite sins.

Filters 1 & 2 above are why I used to reject charismatic gifts. We must be careful both that experience not determine our theology and that experience not limit our theology. Although I now believe differently on that question, I have to be careful that number 3 isn't the only reason. John Wimber wrote in Power Evangelism that the worldview assumptions (number 4) of western culture hinder us from expecting God to act miraculously in our day, and color our understanding of Scripture. That last two are primary reasons why so many try to reinterpret clear Bible teachings against homosexual behavior.

We all find it so much easier to acknowledge that we sin than to face the truth that we are sinners by nature. Our hearts are naturally in rebellion against God and His authority. Is it any wonder that we try to twist the meaning of scripture to excuse our favorite sins and errors?

So how do we get around these barriers to hear God speak through the Scriptures?

See Part 3 tomorrow.

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