New York Magazine has done an excellent profile on Tim Keller and his ministry in Manhatten - See Why Are So Many New Yorkers Flocking to Evangelical Christian Preacher Tim Keller? -- New York Magazine
It’s a Sunday evening at Redeemer Presbyterian Church, and the pews are full. Redeemer is a conservative Evangelical Christian congregation, but the parishioners don’t fit the easy Bible Belt stereotypes. They are a cross-section of yuppie Manhattanites—doctors, bankers, lawyers, artists, actors, and designers, some of them older, most of them in their twenties or thirties. The peppy Christian-pop anthems, performed by Broadway-caliber singers and working jazz professionals, seem to go by in double time, the faster the better to get to the main event, the weekly sermon, delivered by pastor Tim Keller.
Keller is a 59-year-old bald, large-framed man, dressed today in a blue blazer and gray slacks. For those expecting hellfire and brimstone, the first surprise is the voice. Keller doesn’t speak in theatrical, over-the-top tones but in a soft, conversational manner, as if he’s sharing a confidence with a friend. For today’s sermon on a passage from the Old Testament Book of Habakkuk, in which a minor Jewish prophet rails about the misery brought on by the Babylonians in the seventh century B.C., Keller jumps to the recession and what he sees as shameful finger-pointing by both liberals and conservatives. “The Bible doesn’t let you do that,” Keller intones from the pulpit. “The Bible is nowhere near as simplistic, dare I say it, as either the New York Times’ or The Wall Street Journal’s editorial page. You can write that down. Put it on your blog, I don’t care.”
Read more: Why Are So Many New Yorkers Flocking to Evangelical Christian Preacher Tim Keller? -- New York Magazine http://nymag.com/news/features/62374/#ixzz0YODcTMZr
Update: For some reason this post is getting a lot of page views. If you want to read more about Tim Keller and his ministry try these links:
Redeemer Presbyterian Church site
Steve McCoy's Tim Keller Resource Page
Dr. Keller's Vision Blog
Amazon's Tim Keller Page
Update: For some reason this post is getting a lot of page views. If you want to read more about Tim Keller and his ministry try these links:
Redeemer Presbyterian Church site
Steve McCoy's Tim Keller Resource Page
Dr. Keller's Vision Blog
Amazon's Tim Keller Page
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