“Read one thinker and you become a clone. Read two and you become confused. Read a hundred and you start to become wise.” - Tim KellerFound this quote tucker away in a post at On Earth as it is in Heaven . I like it a lot.
I want my intellectual and spiritual influences to be broad- as broad as the grace of God, and as big in scope as the people of God. Even though I greatly admire Tim Keller, I would not want to be his clone. There is room in my sphere of influences (authors, thinkers, mentors) for men as divergent in thought, method and style as Bill Johnson and J.I Packer, John Wimber and N.T Wright, Watchman Nee and Francis Schaeffer, Mark Driscoll and Dallas Willard. What is more important is that through their influences I get closer to the only One worth completely emulating.
Guess Who?!
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