Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Beatitudes of Suffering & Brokeness

The blog formerly known as "In the Clearing" is now called "Wilderness Fandango." Blogger Bob has been producing some great posts lately, for example Wilderness Fandango: Processing the kingdom 3: The Beatitudes of Lack. This is his conclusion of a meditation on the beatitudes.

And here's the final point. What belongs to Jesus, even to his very nature, in some sense through my unity with him in faith, belongs to me. But unity with Christ does not mean victorious living in any sense that we usually understand it. The apostle Paul knew that it would mean unity with him in brokeneness, mourning, meekness, and hunger and thirst for righteousness. Paul's goal was to know Christ, and he knew that the fullest and most intimate form of that knowing would have to include a sharing in his suffering, even "becoming like him in his death."

Is it all beginning to pierce your heart yet? Because that's what's intended. If your God-view does not leave a lot of room for God to work his blessings through suffering and brokenness, then your God-view needs a rehab. And you know what? I can't do that for you. I can only point the way.

There. Over there. On a hill far away. Three crosses. A murderer. A thief. And the Son of God. Go there once again, and be made well.

Good stuff. I need to think on this one for a while.

I recommend Bob's blog to all my readers.

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