From Allen Thornburgh at The Point:
Team Palin Just Keeps Soldiering OnAs knowledgeable as the screed merchants at the Daily Kos seems to be about Evangelical opinions <snicker- eyeroll combo>, I have to say that I haven't a clue why they think that Bristol Palin's pregnancy is some sort of show stopper for Evangelicals. For me, at least, it only makes me *more* enthusiastic.
Why? Because the Palins are Real People living a Real Life. That's simply rare for the celebrity politicos of our day. Barrack Obama, as likable as I find him as a person (not so much his political philosophy), typical of a D.C. politician, has lived a life nothing like the life that most of America leads, devoid of the normal challenges of a Real Life.
Immediately after law school, Obama began carefully crafting his political future as a "community organizer." More like "community agitator," as, in this role, his duty was to find groups in whom he could cultivate a sense of victimization and disenfranchisement, and then direct them toward government and business with demands for resources. Then more of the same, but with a more sophisticated flavor, as a state legislator and senator, and with the further pleasure of being seen as the up-and-coming Golden Child by his party. During that time, he and his wife became quite wealthy in their various power career positions.
I can't fault Obama for that. But it isn't the life that many Americans lead. Sarah Palin's life looks a lot more familiar to us: a middle-class life, building a small business, getting involved in kids' sports and the PTA, and dealing with difficult decisions. Decisions like "Wow, I'm going to be 44 when I have this child ... and he's got Downs ... do I keep him?" Decisions like "Wow, my 17-year-old daughter is pregnant ... what do I counsel her to do?"
Modern Western society dictates that Team Palin is supposed to view themselves as victims in these problems, hunker down, focus on themselves, and suck their thumbs. But they don't.
Team Palin keeps taking responsibility, fielding Real Life's toughest challenges and making the rare right decision.
I love that. To heck with the Entitlement Generation's victim mentality. America was built by those who eschewed such self-pity, fearlessly took responsibility for themselves, and soldiered ahead. Sarah Palin is clearly such a soldier, and I enthusiastically salute her.
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