Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Twitter Highlights

More highlights from my Twitter feed:
Jesus gave us the incredible gift of freedom through his work on the cross. Don't use his gift to keep on breaking his heart with your sin.RT @StephenMiller

RT : Teach the next generation to wash their hearts w the word Instead of their mouths w soap. Luke11:41

 RT : Reputation is who people 'think' you are. Character is who God 'knows' you are. Luke11:42-52

RT : Father, change my perspective; that I might see the world through YOUR EYES

RT : The cross is as powerful today as it was on Resurrection Sunday.

 When you forgive someone that doesn't deserve it, who hasn't even acknowledged a wrong; you mirror what Jesus has done for you. RT @jeffredding

RT : "But God, who comforts the downcast ..." (2 Corinthians 7:6). He doesn't despise the downcast. He comforts them

How many times has Jesus said of me, as he said to the Emmaus disciples, "How dull you are!" (Luke 24:25) . .  RT @lensweet

RT : Forgiveness doesn't make the other person right, it makes you free. - Stormie Omartian

 RT : You cannot get the Scriptures in you unless you are in the Scriptures.

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