Saturday, August 14, 2010

Confronting the “Lies My Pastor Told Me”

Here's an interesting read- "Lies My Pastor Told Me: Confronting 15 Church Cliches With the Gospel"
Believing a lie about God is all the more damaging than believing a lie about your physical health. It impacts your relationship with God, your relationship with others, your emotions, your behavior – everything. I know this from personal experience. I spent most of my twenties believing such lies and, while I did not realize it at the time, I lived in fear, pride and bondage as a result… the ‘pastor’ I refer to throughout this book is not a specific individual but a composite character based on many pastors I have known over the past twelve years. In many cases these pastors are not intentionally lying but simply saying what they believe to be true by repeating the clichés they have heard throughout their lives. Nevertheless, they must be held to account because, intentional or not, they are doing significant damage to those who have entrusted their souls to them.
You can download the free e-book at the link or on their Facebook page.

Hat Tip: Coram Deo Blog » “Lies My Pastor Told Me”

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