Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Much Needed Journey

I like the post this week by Jason Coker at Pastoralia on making the journey from being seeker sensitive to being seeker generating.

He says that a "seeker sensitive" church invites unbelievers who are seekers after God to come and meet Him at church, but a seeker generating church sees Christians as seekers who go outside the church walls looking for signs of God's activity in the lives and circumstances around them, and seeking to join him in His work.
"We are no longer in the business of welcoming “seekers,” or even stimulating the latent “seeking” tendencies in the otherwise pluralistic population, Rather, we are the seekers. We are not the custodians of the Kingdom. Rather, the Kingdom is the reign of God produced by a missionary God who is “at work to this very day” in the world around us. Therefore, our task is to go out and seek to find where God is already “at work” in the community and the world around us and, wherever we find God at work, to join God in that work.

Our task is to be seekers of the Kingdom and to generate new seekers of the Kingdom among us."
Something to think about.

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