Friday, September 16, 2011

Gateway vs. Pathway

Interesting - The Gateway Gospel vs. the Pathway Gospel:
The Gateway Gospel forgives our past sins and sets us on a new road of doing more and more for Jesus.
The Pathway Gospel forgives our past, present, and future sins and sets us on a new road of enjoying more and more what Jesus has done for us—igniting real doing on our part.
The Gateway Gospel gains our doctrinal allegiance yesterday.
The Pathway Gospel feeds our hungry heart today.
The Gateway Gospel gives us a burst of energy for a season.
The Pathway Gospel gives us a dear friend for the whole journey.
The Gateway Gospel leaves us exhausted, frustrated, and bitter.
The Pathway Gospel leaves us relaxed, liberated, and gentle.
The Gateway Gospel saves us from our sins.
The Pathway Gospel saves us not only from our sins but also from all our other saviors.
The Gateway Gospel draws us to the idea of forgiveness.
The Pathway Gospel draws us to the person of Jesus.
The Gateway Gospel is Jesus in black-and-white.
The Pathway Gospel is Jesus in 3D.
The Gateway Gospel tells us to march.
The Pathway Gospel invites us to dance.
The Gateway Gospel is, ultimately, a lecture.
The Pathway Gospel is a song.

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