Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Repentant Heart

From Trevin Wax at Kingdom People:
The heart of flesh is a repentant heart. And the repentant heart is a renouncing heart.
The repentant heart renounces any attempt to justify its sin; it humbly acknowledges sin’s existence and its sentence.
The repentant heart renounces self-sufficiency; it knows its beating is a gracious gift of God.
The repentant heart renounces hate and vengeance; it meets its enemy with unfeigned love and unreserved forgiveness.
The repentant heart renounces the evil one and all his deeds of death; it follows the chariot of a resurrected King who makes all things new.
The repentant heart renounces the fear of falling out of favor with others; it rests under the ever-falling favor of God.
The repentant heart renounces the darkness of its past; though shadows of sin may linger, it looks to the light that will not stop shining.
The repentant heart renounces fear as the way to obedience; it responds to the kindness of God who leads us away from sin.
The repentant heart renounces self-congratulation for righteous deeds; it sees sinful traces even in the best moments and directs all glory to God for any spiritual growth.
The repentant heart renounces a spirit of condemnation; the grace that flows in is the grace that flows out.
The repentant heart renounces the world’s marching orders; its rhythm is to the beat of a different Drummer.
The repentant heart renounces the stepladder of superiority; looking up to God for salvation keeps it from looking down on anyone else.
The repentant heart is a renouncing heart.

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