Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Spiritual Brains

"Theology should be the Holy Spirit working its way through your brain. "

     - Leonard Sweet @LenSweet


  1. Barry, I would be very, very cautious about Leonard Sweet. He is one the main proponents of the growing existentialist trend, which elevates our personal perceptions of Jesus as higher revelation above all else - including scripture. His new book, Theography, with Frank Viola, clearly takes this position and is very disturbing. According to book's Introduction, which has been released pre-publication, they clearly claim that they have new revelation which no one else has ever understood in 2000 years of church history. They call their new revelation "the Story", and say that it transcends scripture itself (although surprisingly they rely on scripture - as well as extra-biblical sources - to arrive at that new revelation).

    Authors like Sweet and Viola are appealing because of their emphasis on the vital need to have a vibrant, ongoing, personal walk with the Lord. But they elevate that subjective experience above scripture itself, and all that Christ has given and commands for our overall good.

  2. Jim - One good quote does not a full endorsement make. (Sounds like I'm releasing my inner Yoda!)

    I've heard Len Sweet speak in person and read a lot of his early books to good benefit. But I do not agree with everything he says.
