Friday, August 19, 2011

Church Planting Churches

One of the greatest and most encouraging trends today is the growth of church planting networks. The Acts 29 Network is relatively well know.  Many denominations are active in church planting, including Southern Baptists and Vineyard. Another movement you may not have heard of is the Launch Network. Their vision is growing church planting churches!  What a concept!

OUTLIVE Update: June 26, 2011 from Carl Barnhill on Vimeo.

This Video is from Pinelake Church here in central Mississippi.  Pinelake is a church planting hub for Launch Network.

Mac Lake, the director of Launch, says the following:
At the LAUNCH Network we realized early on if we desire to have an exponential impact on church planting we can’t do it alone.  In fact, you may be surprised that we acknowledge we don’t actually plant churches.  Churches plant churches.  That’s why our primary focus is not the church planter but church planting churches.  We are a Leadership Development Network that helps churches in their efforts to build a local church planting network that inspires and equips church planters to lead strong.  Our strategy is to come along side churches bringing them processes, systems, models and curriculum that make’s their church planting efforts easier and more effective.  In addition, because we’re creating a national network of local LAUNCH Networks we can synergize their efforts, time, resources and best practices to make each other stronger and better.  We currently have LAUNCH Hubs in Atlanta, Las Vegas, Jackson, Birmingham and Winston-Salem 
 I'm excited about church planting as a way to bring more people into the kingdom and make disciples.  How about you?

1 comment:

  1. What they are doing is just reproducing the same structure of top down professional clergy, program oriented "ministry", performance based services, "pastor" as CEO and other unbiblical structures. Why can't we simply follow the model Jesus gave us in Luke 10, and that Paul followed? Do you know that it costs over $100k to plant a "church" using their methods? It is a corruption of God's plan for organic growth of His body. As a church planter, I stay away from these programs like the plague - often they are simply ways to enrich consultants with their packaged plans. Really, it's not that complicated and it costs next to nothing to plant churches using the Biblical model.
