Saturday, July 12, 2008

Mark Driscoll on the Missional Church

Adrian Warnock has had some really good posts this week. Check out his summary of Mark Driscoll on the Missional Church from the New Frontiers conference.

Here, then, is Driscoll’s eight-point definition of the Church. Some of these constitute the being, and others the well-being of the Church.

1. Regenerated Church Membership...
2. Qualified Church Leadership...
3. Gathering Regularly for Preaching and Worship...
4. Rightly Administered Sacraments...
5. Unity and Affection, which is evidence of the Holy Spirit...
6. Discipline for Holiness...
7. Obey the Great Commandment to Love—Church and Neighbor...
8. Obey the Great Commission to Evangelize and Make Disciples....

If definitions 1 through 7 are not present, you cannot do mission because unity isn't there. Prayer and worship and fellowship can be so much loved that we somehow just trust that the work will get done. Since we also believe God is sovereign, we tend to let him figure it out. Because we are charismatics, we tend to think the Spirit will figure it out. Truth is, we need a plan, and a more intentional one. We will see some growth without an intentional plan because we’re healthy, but if we are intentional about it we will grow faster.

These are only excerpts- I recommend reading the whole thing.

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